A web application serving as a medical record keeper ensuring integrity through blockchain.
Features / Workflow:
Users can upload prescriptions in image format. The system will extract text out of it using OCR.
Once the prescription is converted to text, the server generates a hash of the document and publishes it on a ethereum blockchain.
When user wants to retrieve the same document, the server will match the hash of the document in the file system with the hash present in the blockchain.
If the two hashes are same, it means that the document is not tampered with. Else the user is alerted about the corruption of the data and is given an option to reupload the document.
The system also has a feature of uploading chest X-Rays and predicting whether the patient has pneumonia or not.
All the above functions can be carried out both by patients and doctors, which are the two types of users.
Tech Stack
Django :- Server
Tesseract :- OCR
web3.py :- Library to communicate to blockchain
Ganache :- Local ethereum blockchain for development
1. Sample Prescription
2. Prescription image converted to text via OCR.
3. On uploading document, contract creation and contract call transactions take place in the blockchain (Ganache blockchain for development purposes).
4. The contract creation transaction occurs only if there are no smart contracts existing on the blockchain.
5. The contract call transaction contains the hash of the document in its transaction data.
6. Whenever user views the document, the hash of the document existing in the database is queried against the blockchain. If the hash is present, it means the document has not been tampered with and the user can view the document.